I confess. I like the Twilight books by Stephenie Meyer. Actually, I flove them. Those things are like crack. Please don't think any less of me. I have also searched through many lists of "If You Like Twilight ..." and found this book popping up on a lot of them.
I can see why it's lumped together with the Twilight books in the paranormal romance category. Kind of spooky, but mostly just an unusual romance. The two characters who fall in love in Light are both ghosts who come to inhabit the bodies of teenagers who are "empty," whose souls have fled.
I don't usually like ghost stories, but Whitcomb's fluid prose just sucked me in. She can do dreamlike and harsh reality very well without the tone ever seeming choppy.
This is the first time in a long while that I have finished a book in a day. This is both a compliment and a complaint - the story is so engrossing but the book is pretty short - unlike the bloated Twilight series.
Of course, I'm also a bit shallow when it comes to picking books to read: This cover sure is pretty.
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