Monday, August 4, 2008

Sleeping with the Fishes by Mary Janice Davidson

Kind of like with Beastly (see previous), I got interested  in this one because of the cover art. I glanced at it (on the "New in Romance" table at Borders) and instantly - "Oo! Mermaid!" Then I registered the author's name, back cover description, and it's placement in the romance area. Oh well. 

I've read exactly two other romance novels. They were both better than this. I know I know - I really shouldn't expect much, these people crank out a book a month. And they always have three names.

This one had something to do with mermaids, something to do with hippie parents, something to do with the mob - and nothing to do with fun. I am actually kind of mad I even wasted time on this.  I guess I just don't have the patience for ultra-fluffy, zero-substance, completely predictable brand of book. Although it has made me wonder if I should be a romance novelist. If Sleeping with the Fishes can get published, and the author can brag in her bio that her husband gets jealous because she makes more money than him - dude, you don't have to be smart, creative, or even cool to succeed! Scooooooore.

I guess my desire to read fun, easy books isn't so strong I can read crappy romance novels and be happy. 

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